Who are we
The Mauritania Investment Promotion Agency (APIM) is a public administrative institution that implements the national policy in the field of the promotion of investments.
Our objective is to put in place mechanisms to increase the country’s productive capacity, job creation and income generation for the welfare and prosperity of the citizens.
You are a national or foreign investor, APIM facilitates your access to the Mauritanian market thanks to its transversal structures in connection with the administrations, public and private organizations concerned.
Our missions
Position Mauritania as an attractive investment destination
To create investment opportunities especially in the productive sectors
Assist investors in the administrative procedures for the realization of their investment projects including the benefit of the advantages of the code of Mauritanian investment code.
Ensure the follow-up of the realization of investment projects and the execution of the commitments subscribed by the companies approved to the investment code
Advocate for the improvement of a general climate conducive to investments particularly on regulatory aspects
Our structures
General management
Investment Promotion and Attractiveness Department
Project Targeting and Implementation Department
Department of the Single Window for Businesses
Investment Analysis and Monitoring Department
Communication and ICT Department
Administrative Affairs & Finance Department
Our ambitions
Make APIM an agile, sustainable organization dedicated to the satisfaction of its users;
Build trust between the Government and the private sector;
Develop a brand image of the country so that investors have a good perception of Mauritania;
Strengthen the Single Window and the effective monitoring of investments to help consolidate achievements and measure results
Establish a bank of projects to attract structuring investments, particularly in the productive sectors;